Itchy Armpits: 13 Best Home Remedies For Itchy Armpits

by Polyne K.
itchy armpits without rash

Itchy armpits are not just annoying but downright uncomfortable. Whether it’s a persistent itch or occasional irritation, having the prickly feeling in your arms can disrupt your day.

And the worst?

Often, the itching is accompanied by redness and swelling. You may also develop blisters that cause skin damage due to excessive scratching.

In this blog, we look into why your armpits might itch. We explore common culprits for itchy underarms, such as skin irritation, allergies, and fungal infections.

Understanding the underlying causes will help you find quick relief and restore comfort in this sensitive area.

Are you ready?

Please roll up your sleeves and uncover the truth behind those pesky, itchy armpits.


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What Causes Itchy Armpits

itchy armpits no rash

Itchy armpits may occur due to several reasons;

  •    Skin irritation and Allergy: Some ingredients in deodorants, antiperspirants, and laundry detergents can cause itching in the armpits.
  •    Poor hygiene can create an environment where bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms thrive. Infrequent washing or not using antibacterial soap can lead to bacterial overgrowth. This overgrowth can irritate the skin and cause underarm itching.
  •    Excessive Sweating: This can lead to moisture buildup in the armpits. Your moist armpits create an ideal fungal or bacterial growth environment that can lead to itchy armpits.
  •    Chafing: wearing tight clothing or friction from clothing rubbing against the skin can lead to an itchy armpit area.
  •    Dry skin patches or Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis):Eczema can cause inflammation, dryness, itching, and rash-like patches. 
  •    Hair growth and removal processes: Shaving, waxing, or using hair removal creams in your armpit area can lead to ingrown hairs. The ingrown hair usually curls back into the skin instead of growing outward. If this happens, you may experience redness, inflammation, and itching as the hair follicle becomes irritated. Also, the hair regrowth process in the armpits after shaving may cause itching. The sharp edges of newly regrown hairs can trigger underarm itching sensations.
  •    Stress and anxiety: if you are an overly anxious person, any stressful event triggers a “fight or flight” response. This hormonal response can lead to changes in blood flow and skin sensitivity. As such, it may make you more prone to itching sensations, especially in places with hair-like armpits.
  •    Fungal Infections: Fungal infections like yeast infection may develop in warm and moist areas like the armpits. This can lead to itching, redness, and sometimes a rash.
  •    Bacterial Infections: Bacterial infections, such as folliculitis or cellulitis, can occur when hair follicles become infected. They may cause itching, swelling, and sometimes pus-filled bumps.
  •    Contact Dermatitis: Contact dermatitis occurs due to an irritant or allergen. This may lead to inflammation, itching, and redness. Common irritants include metals like nickel. Also, some fabrics, fragrances, and skincare products can cause contact dermatitis.

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 How to Treat Itchy Armpits Naturally

itchy armpits no rash

 1. First, Identify the Patterns

Observing and identifying patterns of itchy armpits can be your lifesaver, mama. When you identify the patterns, you can develop a practical and personalized approach to alleviating itchy armpits symptoms.

Identify and avoid potential triggers.

These triggers could include specific activities, environments, products, or times of day that seem to coincide with increased itching in the underarms.

Identifying triggers allows you to modify your behavior or environment to minimize exposure to factors that worsen itchy armpits.

Additionally, you can address the underlying causes and prevent the recurrence of itchy armpits in the future.

2. Observe Proper Body Hygiene 

Body hygiene plays a crucial role in reducing itchy armpits.

It minimizes the accumulation of sweat, bacteria, and irritants contributing to skin irritation and itching.

Regular bathing helps cleanse the skin of sweat, fungi, and other impurities that can accumulate in the armpit area.

When left on the skin, sweat can mix with bacteria, creating an environment conducive to bacterial growth and skin irritation.

But, how do you  wash your armpits to prevent itchiness?

  • Wet your armpits with warm water. Warm water helps open the pores and loosen any sweat, dirt, or bacteria trapped in the skin.
  • Apply a small amount of cleanser to your armpits. 
  • In a circular motion, gently massage it into the skin using circular motions, covering the entire armpit area, including the creases and folds.
  • Use your fingers or a soft washcloth to scrub the armpits gently. Avoid scrubbing too vigorously, which can irritate the skin and lead to itching or redness.
  • If you have hair in your armpits, cleanse the area thoroughly. Paying attention to the roots of the hair follicles. This helps remove sweat, bacteria, and any buildup of skincare products.
  • Rinse your armpits thoroughly with warm water to remove all traces of soap or cleanser.
  • Dry your armpits with a clean towel.
  • Ensure you apply a moisturizer to your armpits after washing to curb dryness.
  • Wait a few minutes to apply your chosen deodorant or antiperspirant to your clean, dry armpits before getting dressed.
  • Wash your armpits daily as part of your regular hygiene routine, especially after sweating or engaging in physical activity.


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3. Use Witch Hazel to Wipe Your Armpits

Witch-hazels are flowering herbs that grow in Japan and China. According to a study, witch hazel can suppress skin reddening that occurs due to injury or irritation. It’s also an anti-inflammatory herb that can help relieve itching and reduce irritation.

In fact, applying a lotion with as little as 10 per cent witch hazel extract can help you treat erythema or skin reddening.

Also, another animal study found that tannins in witch hazel can act as a skin barrier. This barrier prevents pathogens and inflammation-causing substances from entering your skin.

How do you use witch hazel for itchy armpits?

  • Get a cotton ball.
  • apply witch hazel to your armpits whenever you feel itchiness.
  • You can also use witch hazel wipes for your daily armpit hygiene

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 4. Ensure You Maintain a Desirable Skin pH Balance 

Maintaining a good skin pH balance is crucial for your skin health, especially the armpit area. The skin’s mantle is slightly acidic. It has a pH ranging from 4.5 to 5.5, which acts as a protective barrier against fungi and other pathogens.

When the skin’s pH balance is disrupted, either becoming too acidic or too alkaline, it can compromise this protective barrier.

A compromised pH makes the skin more susceptible to irritation, infections, and itching.


It encourages the overgrowth of pathogens, contributing to skin inflammation and itching.

 Also, disruptions in the skin’s pH can alter the microbial balance.

This leads to bacterial or fungal overgrowth conditions, which may manifest as Itchy armpits.

Be sure to use mild soaps and cleansers on your underarms. Also, keep your armpit skin moisturized all the time.

5. Remove Dead Skin Cells to Prevent Itchy Armpits

Itchy armpits may occur when dead skin mixes with sweat or dirt.

Why? Because it becomes a breeding ground for pathogens.

Regular exfoliation as part of proper body hygiene helps remove dead skin cells. This prevents clogged pores that can contribute to itchy armpits.

Your armpits are also one of the warmest parts of your body. A warm and moist environment makes your underarms a place where bacteria and fungus like to grow.

Use pH-balanced cleansers and exfoliators to remove dead skin from your armpits. This will help support the function of Skin Enzymes.

Start by exfoliating with a natural mask like this one. Moisturize regularly, and avoid overly hot water to reduce the likelihood of itching in the armpit area.

Avoid harsh soaps, deodorants, or antiperspirants containing alcohol. These fragrances or other irritants can exacerbate itching and skin irritation in the armpits.

6. Use Aloe Vera Gel  for Itchy Armpits

Apply pure aloe Vera gel to your itchy armpits to soothe and promote healing. Aloe vera is a herb with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties that can help alleviate discomfort in itchy armpits.

Additionally, these plant has a soothing effect and can help speed up the healing of break breakouts caused by dry skin and irritation

  • Apply aloe vera gel all over your armpit. 
  • Allow your skin to absorb thoroughly before putting clothes on over the area.
  • Use products made of pure, 100 percent aloe vera 
  • You may reapply twice daily to see if it helps your symptoms.

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7.  Calamine Lotion for Itchy Armpits

Calamine contains ingredients such as zinc oxide and ferric oxide, which have mild anti-itch properties. These ingredients help to alleviate itching by cooling and soothing the itchy armpits.

It also helps to dry out the affected area, reducing moisture and promoting healing.

To use calamine lotion for itchy armpits:

  • Clean your itchy armpit with mild soap and water and pat it dry.
  • Shake the calamine lotion well before use.
  • Apply a layer of calamine lotion on your itchy armpit.
  • Allow the lotion to dry before wearing clothing.
  • Reapply as needed, typically several times daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.

8. Take a Colloidal Oatmeal Bath for Itchy Armpits

Colloidal oatmeal comes from finely grinding oats and suspending them in water. According to a study, Colloidal oatmeal contains compounds such as phenols and avenanthramides with anti-inflammatory properties.

These compounds help reduce inflammation in the skin, which can contribute to itchiness.

They also help to retain moisture in the skin. By moisturizing the skin, colloidal oatmeal can help alleviate dryness and itchiness.

Additionally, oatmeal has a natural cooling and soothing effect on the skin. When added to bathwater, it creates a milky solution that can immediately relieve itchiness and irritation.

To use colloidal oatmeal to reduce itchiness in the armpits:

  • Sprinkle colloidal oatmeal into the bathwater. 
  • Use your hand to agitate the water and evenly distribute the colloidal oatmeal.
  • Immerse yourself in the oatmeal-infused bathwater for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Dry your skin with a towel 
  • Apply a gentle moisturizer to the armpit area to  further soothe your skin.

9. Use Anti-chafing Powders 

Anti-chafing powders can help alleviate itchiness in the armpits.


 It reduces friction, moisture, and irritation in the underarm.

Anti-chafing powders typically contain ingredients like talc, cornstarch, or arrowroot powder. This ingredient has absorbent properties.

When applied to the skin, these powders help absorb excess moisture, such as sweat, which can contribute to itchy armpits.

Anti-chafing powders create a barrier between the skin surfaces. It reduces friction and prevents chafing, which can help alleviate itchiness.

  • Wash the armpit area with mild soap and water.
  • Then pat it dry;
  • sprinkle a small amount of anti-chafing powder onto your fingertips
  • Gently massage the powder into the armpits

10.  Use Topical Pine Tar for Itchy Armpits

Studies show that Pine tar can heal common skin conditions.


Pine tar contains compounds such as phenols and terpenes with mild anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds help reduce skin inflammation, which can contribute to itchy armpits.

 Pine tar can help prevent infections and irritation from itchy armpits. It inhibits microbial growth, possibly contributing to itchiness.

Research suggests that you may use it as often as required. You can apply it after bathing, showering, shaving your underarms to curb inflammation associated with dermatitis, eczema, and heat rash,

Look for a topical pine tar product specifically formulated for skin conditions. These can include pine tar soap, pine tar ointment, or pine tar cream.

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11. Wear Loose, Breathable Clothing

Wearing loose-fitting and breathable clothing made from natural fibers can help relieve you from itchy armpits. Cotton or bamboo fiber is ideal, especially in warm or hot temperatures. Tight clothing can trap moisture and increase your itchy armpits.

12. Find Ways to Manage Your Stress and Anxiety.

Managing stress can help reduce itchiness in the armpits.


When you experience anxiety, your body’s stress response increases. This causes sensory symptoms like burning or itching of the skin. 

Stress can exacerbate the urge to scratch your armpits, leading to further irritation and inflammation,

You can reduce itching in your underarms by addressing the mind-body connection and reducing the body’s stress response.

Practicing relaxation techniques. Also do deep breathing exercises like yoga, and meditation.

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13. Eat an Anti-inflammatory Diet 

Nutrients like vitamins A, C, E, and zinc are crucial in maintaining healthy skin. Eat more foods with anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce inflammation in the body.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be your best friend.

Fill your plate with antioxidants and phytonutrients to help combat inflammation and soothe irritated skin.

Also, ensure you drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.

Adequate intake of these nutrients can help strengthen the skin’s barrier function. This makes it less susceptible to dryness and irritation, key factors that can lead to itchy armpit.

Take Away

How to Treat Itchy Armpits Naturally

  1. Identify the triggers to avoid them
  2. Ensure you keep your armpits clean
  3. Maintaining a good skin pH balance
  4. wipe your itchy armpits with alcohol-free witch hazel wipes
  5. Regularly exfoliate to remove dead skin
  6. Apply pure aloe Vera gel to sooth your itchy armpits
  7. Apply topical pine tar to  heal your itchy armpits
  8. Eat anti-inflammatory

The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. I’m not a health practitioner and as such, this information should not be used as a substitute for consultation with your professional service provider.


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